Depot Management System

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Depot Management System - Schedule

The DMS facilitates the downloading of the timetable Run Out schedule into the system. Selecting “Schedule” from the drop-down Menu bar provides the “Load Schedule Run Outs” option. We see a screenshot of a menu titled 'Schedule' whose items are 'Load Schedule Run Outs', 'Reset all Beckton Runs' and 'Show Run Out Panel'

When selected, an open file dialogue box opens and allows the Depot Controller to select the Run Out Schedule to download.

We see a screenshot of a file selection dialogue box with two spresadsheet files available to open. Once downloaded, the DMS extracts the data and displays the Run Numbers and departure times in a list for each depot. All Runs are displayed with a red background, denoting that the Runs are not assigned to any trains Consists.

Two options are available to the Depot Controller:
We see a window titled 'Train Run Assignment' with two sub-windows titled 'Beckton Runs' and 'Poplar Runs'. Each has a list of numbered runs with times (which are all highlighted in red), and each has radio buttons for 'Transition 1' and 'Transition 2', and checkboxes for 'Show planned run locations' and 'Highlight assigned runs', Finally, each has a button titled 'Auto-Assign Runs'.
  1. Manually assign the shown Runs to Consists.
  2. Automatically assign Runs to Consists located in the berths as defined in the Run Out sheet.

Auto Assign Run

The DMS provides the Depot Controller with the option to automatically assign the timetable Runs to the train Consists.

Clicking the “Auto Assign Runs” button shown in the Schedule tool, instructs the DMS to assign the downloaded Runs to the Consists located in the berths as defined in the Run Out sheet.

For each Run, the DMS checks for any conflicts between the assigned Run and the target Consist.
Note: Conflict Rules are defined in the Administrator settings.
We see the same window titled 'Train Run Assignment' with two sub-windows titled 'Beckton Runs' and 'Poplar Runs'. Each has a list of numbered runs with times (which this time have some highlighted in green and others in pink), and each has radio buttons for 'Transition 1' and 'Transition 2', and checkboxes for 'Show planned run locations' and 'Highlight assigned runs', Finally, each has a button titled 'Auto-Assign Runs'. If the Run is successfully assigned to the train consist, the background colour of the Run number in the list is set to Green.

If the DMS detects a conflict between the assigned Run and train consist, the background colour of the Run number in the list is set to Pink.
The conflict is added to the Run Conflicts list.
Note: While the conflict exists, the DMS will not permit the assigned train to be moved.

If the DMS is unable to assign a Run to a Consist, the background colour of the Run number in the list is set to Red.

A number of tools are provided to assist with Run assignment:
  1. Highlight Assigned Runs
  2. Show Planned Run Locations

Highlight Assigned Runs

We see a screenshot of a checkbox labelled 'Highlight Assigned Runs' featuring a lightbulb icon. Checking the “Highlight Assigned Runs” checkbox highlights the stabling berths where Consists have been assigned a Run (regardless of conflicts).
This tool permits the Depot Controller view the Consists that have or have not been assigned Runs.
We see a screenshot of depot berths with most berths highlighted in green.

Show Planned Runs Locations

We see a screenshot of a checkbox labelled 'Show Planned Run Locations' featuring a timeslot icon Checking the “Show Planned Run Location” checkbox displays the stabling berths allocation as defined in the Run Out sheet.
This tool permits the Depot Controller view the planned Run location.
We see a screenshot of depot berths with most showing a label revealing both run numbers and departure times. If both the “Highlight Assigned Runs” check box and the “Show Planned Run Location” check box are both checked, the Depot Controller can view the assigned and unassigned berths/Runs. We see a screenshot of depot berths with most berths highlighted in green and showing both run numbers and departure times.

Run Conflicts

Anytime a Run is assigned to a Consist, the DMS checks the Conflict Rules as defined in the Administrator settings (Ref. Doc. 1200-3-02000) for conflicts.
Examples of conflicts include:
If the conflict is ignored, the DMS will not permit the train consist to be moved. A warning message will be displayed if a train move is attempted: We see a screenshot of a red warning banner labelled 'Warning! Move Inhibit - Run 806 Conflict'
All conflicts are listed in the Run Conflicts panel: We see a screenshot of a window showing the run out filename, and a list of conflicts (examples: 'Beckton T1 Long Formation assigned to Run 801', 'Beckton T1 Run 301 Conflict - Coupler Restriction')
To resolve a conflict the Depot Controller has 3 options:
  1. Unassign the train Runs by clicking the “Unassign Runs” button. Reposition the conflicting trains and then re-assign the Runs.
  2. Manually re-assign the conflicting Runs to a different train consist where the conflict doesn’t exist.
  3. Override the conflict.

Conflict Override

The Depot Controller may choose to override a conflict. Clicking a conflict in the Run Conflicts panel highlights the selected run and opens a pop-up box asking the Depot Controller to “Confirm Override”. We see a screenshot of a window showing the run out filename, and a list of conflicts (examples: 'Beckton T1 Long Formation assigned to Run 801', 'Beckton T1 Run 301 Conflict - Coupler Restriction'). One of the entries is now highlighted. If the Depot Controller confirms the override, the conflict is removed from the Run Conflicts panel, the background colour of the Run number in the Run list is set to Green and the move inhibit restriction is lifted. We see a screenshot of a dialogue box titled 'Restriction OverRide'. A label shows 'Confirm OverRode - Run 303 Conflict' above buttons 'Yes' and 'No'. Whenever a conflict override is undertaken, an entry to record the override is entered into the Train Restrictions Log. We see a screenshot of part of the Train restrictions Log showing examples of overridden restrictions with authority and a timestamp.

Manually Assign Runs

The DMS supports manual assignment of Runs. Runs may be manually assigned in their entirety or in order to resolve flagged conflicts or where the Auto Assign Runs tool could not assign a Run to a Consist.

To manually assign a Run, the Depot Controller uses the mouse Drag ‘n Drop features to drag the Run number from the list and drop it on a Consist. The background colour of the Run number will be updated accordingly, taking into consideration any possible conflicts. We see a screenshot of the depot berths, with the Train Assignment window alongside it. An arrow indicates that a red item from the Assignments window is being dragged onto a berth. If the Run number is dropped onto a train consist that has already been assigned a Run, a pop-up box will alert the Depot Controller of the pending reassignment and request confirmation:

We see a screenshot of a confirmation dialogue titled 'Run Assignment Override'.
					A label shows 'Note! This Consist is already assigned ro Run 307.
					Confirm reassign this Consist to Run 303?'. 'No' and 'Yes' buttons are provided.
If the overwrite is accepted, the Run that was previously assigned to the Consist will be displayed as being unassigned, denoted by the red background of the Run number in the panel.

Run Out Transitions

Run Out Transitions are the different stages at which trains depart the depot and enter into passenger service. Typically, there are two primary transitions; one for start of service and another for start of evening peak.
The number and commencement times for the Run Out Transitions is defined in the Administrator settings.
The DMS uses the defined data to attribute the correct Runs to the correct Transitions.

The Depot Controller may switch between Transitions by selecting one of the option buttons at the top of the Run Out panel.
We see (again) a window titled 'Train Run Assignment' with two sub-windows titled 'Beckton Runs' and 'Poplar Runs'. Each has a list of numbered runs with times (which are all highlighted in red), and each has radio buttons for 'Transition 1' and 'Transition 2', and checkboxes for 'Show planned run locations' and 'Highlight assigned runs', Finally, each has a button titled 'Auto-Assign Runs'. Note that, this time, the radio button for 'Transition 2' is selected.

Update Spreadsheet

At any point, the Depot Controller may choose to update the Run Out spreadsheet with alterations to the original Run Out plan. This is performed by clicking the “Update Spreadsheet” at the bottom of the Run Out panel. We see a screenshot of the Train Run Assignment window - but now we can see two additional buttons at the foot: 'Update Spreadsheet' and 'Hide Panel'

Run Out Notification Tabs

Runout Notification Tabs are an aid to the Depot Controller to notify of a pending delay to the train’s scheduled departure time.

Used in conjunction with the Train Operator app, a green tab is displayed whenever the train operator transmits the “Pre-Service Checks Complete” notification to the VPS.

If the train is assigned to a timetable Run, the departure road and departure time is displayed within the tab.

If a “Pre-Service Checks Complete” notification is not received by the DMS and the train is within 5 minutes (default) from its timetabled departure time, a red tab is displayed.

If the train has not been moved 15 minutes (default) after the scheduled departure, the Tab is removed. We see the depot berths as previously, but now some roads have coloured tab arrows emerging from the left-hand end. Each tab bears a TVA name and a departure time. SOme tabs are green, some red. If the train operator transmits the “Pre-Service Checks Complete” notification to the VPS and the train is not assigned to a timetable Run, a green tab is displayed with the text “Ready” inserted. We see (a screenshot of the above debot berths, zoomed in to one road, showing a green tab pointing to the left, showing the word 'Ready' Note: The enabling of Run Out Notification Tabs and associated timings are configurable as part of the Administrator settings.

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