Depot Management System

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Depot Management System - Overview

The DMS uses a Remote Server (VPS) as a portal to share train data between other systems and remote applications. Any change to a train’s location, Operational Restriction, Cleaning or Check Listing status is shared between the DMS and remote applications.

Architecture overview of DMS system. We see a cloud shape in the centre titled 'Virtual Provate Server (VPS)' with arrows representing data flowing into and out to the following nodes: Remote Viewing Screens, Train Operator's App, Train Cleaner's App, Train Maintainer's App, and Depot Controller's PCs

Multiple users may access the DMS based on access credentials. The most basic credential limits all functionality and permit the DMS to display the location of trains withing the depot.
Outside the DMS, multiple applications are available to either support the DMS or to utilise the information provided by the DMS.
Available applications include:

Additional details of these applications are provided on the Apps page.
Other applications may be developed to use the platform on a need basis, eg a Fault Reporting App.

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