Depot Management System

PezoTec logo, white background with PezoTec in green at the foot. The upper part of the image is a stylised blend of a capital P and a capital T, the latter upside-down, also in green.

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Screenshot of DMS user interface. We see a plan of railway lines within a depot with berths for trains to be stabled. There are windows to allow the user to view and control different depot management functions. It looks very comprehensive.

Depot Management System - Home

The Depot Management System (DMS) is a multi-user PC based application that is designed to assist with the day-to-day operations of a railway depot. At a high level, the system provides the user with a graphical representation of trains located within the Depot roads or Depot Sidings. Trains may be coupled and configured together to form consists, permitting a mouse “drag ‘n drop” of the train image to a depot stabling berth, maintenance shed, mainline or other defined location. Moving a train to a different berth is only permitted if there is space to accomodate the train and if the berth is not disabled.

Use of colour coded train images permits the user to view the Check Listing, Cleaning and Operational Restriction status of each train.

The user has the option to import the Timetable or Runout schedule into the system and assign the Timetables Runs to trains. The system automatically checks assigned trains against the operational restrictions list.

As well as the PC app, DMS provides Android apps for Train Maintainers, Train Cleaners and Train Operators to allow them to view the status of trains (and change them, if their role permissions permit so).

Bespoke windows are provided to exactly fit the needs of specific roles. These windows include the Train Manager, Train Restrictions, Train Cleaning, Train Operator Details, Schedule, Add/Remove Train, Find Train, etc..

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